Monday, October 5, 2020

Financial Aide.


As anybody who has taken the time to read this blog (all two of you), and/or follows me on Twitter, you will know that I have had serious money issues over the last couple of years. Well at least 5 to be honest. Basically since I have been living by myself. I've mentioned the reasons why I've found myself in this situation, so won't go in to it again.


My ex-wife, bless her soul, took it upon herself to find me a social worker who could help me with my problems. I'd had a social worker in the past, appointed by the clinic I was obliged to attend, and to be perfectly honest she was fucking useless. She even went so far as to tell me that I was 50 years old, had nothing of consequence to my name & was basically good for nothing. Not too flash from a social worker.

Anyway, my new social worker, Madame S, is a true legend. I outlined in the last post much of what she has done for me, minus two very important things. They're not to be taken lightly, but I feel like sharing as it's going to be all about how I'll be living for the forseeable future. 

 I have been accorded what is called a dossier de surendettement. The name in itself shows you just how diar my financial situation was. Why am I writing about this? One, because it is an absolute miracle in my life at this time, after 10 years of hell. I shall be forever grateful to the powers that be who accorded this. It basically means that all of my debts have been wiped. Incredible, but true. Lierally, quite literall a life saver. I was on the edge. So easy it would've been with the shit load of medication within my grasp.

So I have been saved from years of misdeeds. Please don't get me wrong: in fact I'd be seriously pissed off if you did. It was TVs, PCs, WCs or Tracys. It was a small amount here (a STAR WARS figurine...another addiction), some music (back in the day MP3 now 100% vinyl), food (I love to cook. What's more I love to eat...oops), never clothes. I used to spend quite a bit on clothes in New Zealand when I was teaching. Had to really, but was a bit of a fashion victim with l'ex #4. Now I dress like I'm down on the farm. G has been known to be ashamed of me picking hime up from school (never wear crocs on a pick-up mission).

Perhaps I've shared enough for the moment. Feel free to share with me. I'm on to The Two Towers of a Lord of the Rings marathon. 

Always happy chez moi. Always sad chez moi. Voila.

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