Friday, August 14, 2020

Money in the bank.

There's an awful lot going on chez Greg at the moment:all for the good. My ex-wife surprised me, as she tends to do, by finding a freelance social worker, and what's more paying her. The goal was to get my finances sorted and get my head above water for the first time since our son died, much of which I have been living alone.

I've posted before about the financial difficulties that I have experienced, and many of the reasons why. Despite my best efforts, I was making absolutely no headway, resorting to food banks and then having l'ex paying for my food and petrol. Rather a humiliating experience to be honest. Anyway, I entered in to these meetings with the social worker, with l'ex present at my behest, and her willingness to help, and away we went.

 Well, the social worker was a revelation. We outlined my current position and thern started to get in to specifics. I was so thankful for F being there as a second pair of ears as I find it increasingly hard to concentrate and retain information.

Well, then the paperwork started. For those of you who don't know, the French love their administration. Doing ones paperwork is a national pastime. I am bloody useless at keeping track of it all, so hunting down pay slips, letters, certificates and the like was a bloody big mission.

 We got there though, and to cut a long story short, I have been living on half of what I am entitled to for about five years now! No wonder I was struggling! Likewise, I am going to have someone appointed to manage my finances for me. Not an accountant, but someone who will keep track of my spending (remember I have a spending addiction), allocating a certain sum of money each week or month for food, petrol and the like, and ensuring that all of my bills are paid, particularly my debts. More news to follow on that front: further actions in the pipeline.

It's a tad difficult thinking about someone being in charge of my finances. I am 50 FFS, but maybe, just maybe, I might be able to one day live my dream of putting an off-grid tiny house on a plot of land in Brittany (crikey, coastal would be nice). You never know.

So a huge, heartfelt thanks goes out to my darling ex-wife who initiated the proceedings. She is a true treasure. And many thanks to my social worker who has helped me so much. She will remain a go-to person should I require help with any other administrative stuff.

Things are looking up and my mental health reflects that. What's more, I can now do my own grocery shopping!

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