Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Night Owl.

Hello all. It's the middle of the night, and surprise, surprise, I'm wide awake. This is normal these days. I sleep for a couple of hours then spend a couple of hours awake. I've tried everything short of medication, which I will avoid like the plague. I know that using devices doesn't help one get back to sleep, and I always wait for half an hour or so after waking up before picking one up. Then, it's so easy to pop on to social media or read the news. The fact that the Kiwis and Aussies are enjoying their days doesn't make it any easier to put down the gadget. There's always someone available for a quick chat.

Nonetheless, I love the time that I am awake during the night. It's so calm and open to all manner of adventures. Trying hard to not make noise so that the weird downstairs neighbours have no reason to confront me with their weirdness. I'm not sure if they can hear my desk chair squeaking and rolling over the floor. Better safe than sorry.

Now eating during the night is probably a no no, but I'm invariably bloody hungry! It's so easy to snack, but I try as hard as possible not to eat and to respect my diet plan.

A bonus is that it's an ideal time to phone Mum and Dad and catch them during their day, without interupting them waking up in the morning, or watching the The Chase, the news or Coronation Street in the evenings. Always good for a yarn in the middle of the night.

So, it's now 1am and I've been awake for an hour and a half. It remains to be seen what time I'll be able to snatch a few more hours sleep. I'm trying to lull myself back to sleep by listening to my Harry Potter audio books read by Stephen Fry. There's something about his dulcet tones that calms me right down and buoys the spirits.

I have a couple of middle-of-the-night friendly chores that I can do; cleaning the bath and wiping down the kitchen are two of them. Best that I keep busy so as not to overload my poor brain by over-thinking.

So, night night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite...

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