Friday, July 13, 2018


I fractured my scapula two years ago after falling down the stairs. Don't ask. Something strange has happened since though. I find that I favour that shoulder, which I suppose is normal, but favour it at certain times.

Whenever I'm stressed or nervous, the shoulder hunches up as if I'm trying to protect not only it, but myself.

I've always felt lesser than others. My self confidence has dimished over the years; I was at my prime while teaching in New Zealand. Funnily enough I find it difficult to stand square on with people while talking to them, and now my shoulder will automatically hunch up and I need to consciously make an effort to 'un-hunch' it and turn square on to people. I'm working on my self confidence, but don't interact with a helluva lot of people these days (my own choice).

So, un-unhunched and square on; new objectives. Voila.

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