Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Doing it tough...

Well, today is a bit of a bugger so far. Woke up quite a few times during the night so felt like shit this morning. Had a couple of bouts of extreme sadness and grief for my son; I miss him so much. It's still a physical pain nearly eight years on. Then there's the fear for his brother; my shining light. fear that something will happen to him too, and yet trying not to wrap him in cotton wool. He needs to live his life too. He's a tough and very mature young man. He's been through a lot poor chap. I'm so proud of him and hope that he gets into his first choice school for next year.

So I've been trying to keep myself busy doing housework. It's been a bit of a mission, but I've managed to get quite a lot done. Now it's time to prepare my lessons for tomorrow as I wait for the floor to dry and the nurse to come and change my dressing. Trying to ignore the nasty letter from the taxman.

The day can only get better. Watch this space.

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