Wednesday, November 29, 2017

New beginnings.

Kia ora koutou. Here I am again for another brief visit. Well, no actually. I hope to make this a regular thing. In fact I've promised myself. I'm actually coping quite well at the moment (touch wood), and have even started listening to music again; something that I haven't done since my son died. So, progress is being made. Hopefully the next step will be getting back in to reading; something else that's been on the back burner for 7 and a half years. My Kindle and bookshelves are well stocked waiting for the right moment.

Something that I have discovered is that I always have something to worry about. At the moment it's financial woes. Apparently I'm not alone in being someone with Bipolar who is reckless with money. Well, I have been and now find myself in deep shit, to the point where I might lose my accomodation and find myself out on the streets. No shit! More than a bit scared but hoping that I'm overreacting as I often do.

Other than the above difficulties, all is well. I'm enjoying living by myself and yet seeing my son basically when I want to. Thankfully my ex and I still get on really well. We have lunch together as 'a family' every Sunday and help each other out with odd jobs and the such like.

The big news is that I'm on a diet (called PH@TT) and have lost 13kgs in a little over three weeks. I can now tie my shoelaces without nearly passing out! Another couple of weeks to go to reach my goal.I'm feeling really good physically and, for the most part, mentally (minus the above-mentioned difficulties). Long may it continue.

I have had so many mountains to climb in my life. Some will see me never reaching the summit,  but I'm proud of myself for those that I have been able to surmount. Life is a journey and the realisation that I have past the halfway point of my life is a great motivating factor to, as my ex would say (imagine French accent), PUSH MY BUM!

Voila. That's me for tonight.  I'll be back.

Word of the day: PROACTIVE.

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