Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I'm flat out job hunting, printing and posting CVs and filling out online job applications. Unfortunately I'm getting absolutely nowhere. Few replies and certainly no positive ones. Brittany is not the best region of France to be in the job market ; bugger all around. It's seriously getting me down, especially as I have 'money issues' and debt collectors knocking at my door 

I have set myself a goal. Keep trying to find a job in Brittany up until the end of January. If nothing crops up I will look into jobs in the UK, trying to avoid London having already lived there for four years.🇬🇧 So if anyone knows how to get into the UK job market please send me some site details or contacts.

In other news, as soon as my invalidity money comes through, Weasley my cat is going in for the unkindest cut of all. Just though you'd like to know. 🐱

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