Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bonne année

Bonne année à ma famille et à mes amis.  Happy New Year to my family and friends. It was a quiet night for me, but this old bugger did manage to stay awake until 2am!

I've decided to try and resurrect this blog and see if I can keep it going throughout the year.  I'll write about anything and everything; my battle with depression and bipolar, my attempt at staying on the wagon for the entire year (that's going to be a tough one but I'm determined to give it a crack), life in France, grief and the love of my son and ex-wife, tech and gadgets, my stamp collection and general bachelor life.  To be honest, I'm quite enjoying being on my own and have absolutely no intention of searching for a new partner.  I'm enjoying life in my bachelor pad especially as my cat is not here marking his territory (he's in for the chop as soon  as I can raise the cash).

Job hunting will be my main occupation at the beginning of the year.  Enough is enough. I need to work.  I've been on sick leave for over 2 years now.  Serious cash flow problems which need to be remedied ASAP.

So, I've made a resolution to keep this blog running. Watch this space.

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