Sunday, February 5, 2012


Sundays are hard for me now.  I'm not sure exactly why but there must be some deep seated reason for it.  I normally turn into a blubbering idiot in the early afternoon and miss my son so much that I need to lie down and have a good wail.  Of course his brother is still here and he means the world to me; more than the world, but that doesn't take away the pain of losing his big Bro in such horrible circumstances.

So today, after waking up at 4am (a horrible habit I have developed despite medication), I told myself that today would not be like other Sundays.  After checking emails, news and blogs in the early hours, I started a bit of 'spring' cleaning.  To be honest I'm not sure that it shows that much, but I'm proud of my efforts.  I was helped along by listening to the cricket (England versus Pakistan) on BBC Radio 4 LW and the knowledge that I had another rugby match to sit down and enjoy this afternoon.

I cleaned the aquarium and was astonished to find that there were actually fish in it.  This took a good hour and a half.  Yep, it was well and truly time that I got around to that particular job.  I cooked lunch; roast chicken has become our standard meal for Sunday lunch.  I mopped the floor.  I hung out the washing in front of the wood-burning stove (note to self: don't forget there's a second load to hang out before my wife gets home from work).  I went to a family afternoon tea for my Sister-in-Law (no mean feat as I have become even more of a loner over the last 18 months) and then it was time to take in a spot of rugby.

All of this may sound rather trivial and normal to any readers, but it helped me get through the day with my head held high and my heart at least semi-intact.  I haven't done any school work but know what I am going to do with each class tomorrow and I have tomorrow morning off so can get my planning done correctly.

Now it's time to spend some quality time with my boy.  He's been a busy lad today too and we've hardly crossed paths.  So, it's time to attempt to get him into the shower and into his PJs, check that he hasn't forgotten the homework he did on Friday afternoon (he's quite excited as he has an English test tomorrow) and crank up The Simpsons  before Maman arrives.

That was my day.  So far I have survived.

1 comment:

  1. Blimey sounds like a helluva busy day to me....I do very little on Sundays - and you've just reminded me I need to do some washing today. I keep forgetting we have this thing called a washing machine and it should be used. ;)
