Wednesday, June 20, 2018


What with everything that goes on in my head, I find it bloody difficult to concentrate or focus on anything for an extended period of time. I have found it difficult to read since my son died and have only started  over the last half year or so; 8 years after his death. Even now, I can only manage a few pages, or a chapter at the most. I even find it quite difficult to concentrate while watching a film and, shock horror, find watching a rugby match at the limit of my capabilities.

This lack of concentration is proving to be quite a hurdle at the moment as I have taken on an online TEFL course. I'm finding it exceedingly hard to settle in and study. It's been a few years since I've done so, however I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to make much progress.

Similarly, I can't stay in silence. I have to have an audio book playing. Music has only recently been an option; a pleasure that I lost 8 years ago. I rediscovered the pleasure of music due to my vinyl collection.

Needing some form of noise at all times means that I have to have something playing while I study. Obviously audio books are not an option; even my beloved Harry Potter and Belgariad. Thankfully, I discovered Rainy Mood and it's wonderful thunderstorms. It's very relaxing and is helping me to work on my concentration

So as I finish this post, I take up my pencil and open my TEFL course web page accompanied by heavy rain, thunder and lightning. My objective: concentrate for an hour. Wish me luck.

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