Monday, November 14, 2016


Well, I'm still job hunting. I even got turned down by McDonalds; obviously too old. I do prefer KFC though. It's becoming a real problem and I just today received a letter threatening repossession. Scary!

With regard to job hunting, I'm at a little bit of a loss as to where to turn now. Taking a leaf out of my cousin's book, I sent CVs to Avis and Hertz in the hope that they require English speakers (Bilingual). I also posted one off to Navix which is the cruise boat company offeriing tours of the Gulf de Morbihan. It's not really the right season however it's worth a crack.

I seem to be on top of my depression and Bipolar which is a major positive. I'm finding myself with a lot more energy & capable of getting a crack on doing as many administrative jobs, housework (heaven forbid. It is a bachelor pad after all) and job hunting. I also have a good relationship with my ex wife and see her and my son several times a week. I couldn't ask for more. Our 'family' Sunday lunches are very enjoyable.

I just need a job so that I can begin paying of my debts. Once they've gone life will be so much better; stress free and enabling me to make even more progress dealing with my mental health.

Anyway, time to 'push my bum' as my ex would say and get on and do some jobs. Hell, I hate saying 'ex'. I'll call her F from now on in.


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