Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Blues...

Feeling really down. Can't cope with financial, health and family issues. Totally swamped. I'll try and write about it tomorrow. Time now for an audio book read by Stephen Fry. Lulls me to sleep without fail. Highly recommended. Hanging out for my next Audible credit.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, November 14, 2016


Well, I'm still job hunting. I even got turned down by McDonalds; obviously too old. I do prefer KFC though. It's becoming a real problem and I just today received a letter threatening repossession. Scary!

With regard to job hunting, I'm at a little bit of a loss as to where to turn now. Taking a leaf out of my cousin's book, I sent CVs to Avis and Hertz in the hope that they require English speakers (Bilingual). I also posted one off to Navix which is the cruise boat company offeriing tours of the Gulf de Morbihan. It's not really the right season however it's worth a crack.

I seem to be on top of my depression and Bipolar which is a major positive. I'm finding myself with a lot more energy & capable of getting a crack on doing as many administrative jobs, housework (heaven forbid. It is a bachelor pad after all) and job hunting. I also have a good relationship with my ex wife and see her and my son several times a week. I couldn't ask for more. Our 'family' Sunday lunches are very enjoyable.

I just need a job so that I can begin paying of my debts. Once they've gone life will be so much better; stress free and enabling me to make even more progress dealing with my mental health.

Anyway, time to 'push my bum' as my ex would say and get on and do some jobs. Hell, I hate saying 'ex'. I'll call her F from now on in.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Job hunting... Or not.

This job hunting is doing my head in and is now beyond urgent. I have never been without a job (except for 3 months in 1998). I'm seriously stressed and having a bit of trouble coping. Nothing in the fridge for at least another week. Am I complaining? You bet your bottom dollar I am. Scared shitless to be honest. I'm selling as much of my stuff on eBay as I possibly can, but then have problems paying for stamps. Please let things improve soon. This situation is not helping my depression/bipolar. Doing the hard yards.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

And yet I lie

Bereft of food sauf petits pois carottes. And yet it is nourishment. One can't complain. We will saddle up and continue our journey on the morrow. Long that it may be.

The beginning (hopefully not of the end).

I write to you this day, the 6th of October, the year two thousand and sixteen. All is not well chez Greg. I am cursed by the blight of debt to the local elite. Money is lacking. I am struggling to fed my cat for he is all that is left to me. Indiscretions & ill advised investments have found me in a right pickle (as Edith the fishmonger advised me to say). I dread, and yet must, write of my misdeeds and cock ups (words from Ilvana the Mistress of all things delightful). I hope to update this journal as candle light permits. Tallow is rare these dark days. Until the next time. May your God's, whomever they may be, keep you safe and in peace.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Decisions, decisions.

Well hello there. I'm here for no other reason than to decide whether I'll start blogging again or not. I used to blog regularly about 8 years ago; a blog that I still have. The problem is that I'll probably have to start an entirely new one. The title of this blog plays on the name of the 'rue' where I lived. Now, with divorce pending, I've moved on (and out). I'll stick with Blogger; quick and easy. I do like talking to myself too. A bientôt.