Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Still alive.

Howdy. Just a quick message to let you all know that I am, know fact, still alive. I'm currently in a clinic which specialiseszdy in treating people with Bipolar and depression. I've been here 3 months & 5 days to be precise.

I feel that I am making steady progress & things are becoming clearer in my head. I certainly feel better, although I've managed to put on quite a bit of weight due to my medication & the fact that we do sod all here.

I've been keeping a diary and am onto my fourth exercise book. This is a particularly special event as for just on a year I haven't been able to write due to my Lithium shakes. Now writing is therapeutic even though I don't usually write anything terribly profound, although every couple of days or so, I will wax lyrical, get into the groove and write something earth-shattering. The actual act of writing is very therapeutic for me, even if I  am just writing down random thoughts.

Three months may seem like a  long time, but the time has gone by quite quickly. I have my car here now and head home most weekends. This allows me to slowly reintegrate into family life; something that is easier said than done.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. I'll attempt to keep this blog going. For the moment, typing on my phone, even with text prediction, is a right royal pain in the arse!
Catch y'all later. Ciao.

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