Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Think before you Ink.

I'm currently thinking through my next tattoo.  It's going to be based upon the Maori phrase Kia Kaha which means Be Strong or Forever Strong.  It's going to go on the inside upper left arm where I can see it and read it when I need a boost.  I'll need to have my shirt off of course.  It's not every job where you can get your ink out and have a read.

Here's what my moko is all about:

Kikokiko: This sinew or mesh pattern talks about the embodiment of experience.

Aho: Spiritual umbilical cord as it moves through cycles.  It refers to pathways of physical and metaphysical systems.  This is the main line that starts at the front and follows a path right over my shoulder to my spine.

Koru:  Growth.  Experience. Possibility.  These are the fern fronds.

Kaperua seeds: Learning and potential.

Basically, it's a life pattern.  Learning, experience, emotional growth.  It speaks about my family and about Nikolaz who we lost to Meningitis.  The moko passes over my shoulder symbolising that which is passing into the future.  In other words, my life continuing and being rebuilt after the death of our beloved son.

The signature was done at the same time.  Niko loved to draw, especially pirates, and this is his signatures taken from a picture he drew just days before he died.  He's over my heart as well as in my heart, and will be forever.

The silver fern (black in this case obviously) is the symbol of the All Blacks; the New Zealand rugby team, as well as many other of our sporting teams.  It's recognised as one of our national emblems.  I had this and the Triskell done to signify my two countries; New Zealand and Brittany, France.

Voila. My ink. Watch this space for updates.  Lots to do yet.  I might have to tell my Mum!  :-/

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