Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Noël up here.

So, it's the silly season and I am determined to make the most of Christmas this year. It's always tough for our little family at this time of the year as our big boy loved Christmas. Something that I feel is important is that he died still believing in Santa.That, I think, is special. He was just like his old man who still holds a magical place in his heart for Père Noel. Even his Bro still likes the little traditions like leaving out cookies & milk (or a whisky if I can get away with it). I used to make footprints in flour or icing sugar, and just last year he asked for me to do just that.We're keeping the magic alive.

Something that is really important for us at this time of the year, is sticking together as a family. We may well be divorced but my ex-wife and I make sure that we spend Christmas Eve (and the traditional meal here en France) together, as well as Christmas Day morning for the pressies, and lunch. Then she and our son head off to her family get-together and I head home for some quality time alone. I have scored a selection of Christmas movies, from The Muppets to two versions of A Christmas Carol, so will be well set up for my afternoon and evening. I've been ringing around trying to find a New Zealand leg of lamb for my own Christmas dinner. I phoned five supermarkets this morning with no luck. This is rather strange as there are normally plenty around. No worries: my mate's Beef Wellington will be even better.I shall keep trying or resort to a raclette or fondu: gotta make the most of it before restarting my diet again in the New Year.
So, my bachelor pad tree is up and looking good, presents bought and ready to be wrapped, Vin Chaud simmering, Christmas movies are on the shelf and menu planning is underway. I may well indulge in one of my bottles of Chateâu Margaux.  Let the fun begin.